Many conditions have been proven to respond successfully to acupuncture according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) including:
Additional conditions which acupuncture has helped our patients with:
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural alternative to botox and face-lift procedures.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
The art of using acupuncture to improve the skin and reverse the aging process dates back to the early Western Zhou period in China (1121-770 BC), thousands of years ago and was common practice in ancient Japanese & Chinese medicine.
Facial Rejuvenation
Acupuncture was developed by the well-known Acupuncturists to the stars, Virginia Doran, decades ago based on these ancient secrets and modern research.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture involves inserting hair-thin, sterile, disposable needles into particular areas of the face and body to stimulate our body’s own collagen production, local circulation, and complex physiological system. High grade aromatherapy oils and facial massage is combined with the acupuncture treatments.
While Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture improves the vitality of the skin and face, it can also address the underlying issues and imbalances that contribute to the aging process.
Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction
In general for optimal benefits that can last 5-10 years, 12 sessions are recommended weekly or biweekly, followed by maintenance sessions. How do I maintain the benefits of facial rejuvenation acupuncture? Maintenance treatments are recommended monthly or seasonally.
Our certified facial rejuvenation acupuncturists are also Naturopathic Physicians, therefore, you will get the additional benefit of discussing optimal clinical nutrition, lifestyle, and targeted dietary supplements regimes that are customized to your needs during your facial rejuvenation sessions
Each session last 1 hour and it includes facial rejuvenation acupuncture and facial massage with aromatherapy, and may also include general naturopathic medical advice.
Additional visits may be required with Naturopathic Medicine or additional body Acupuncture to address complex needs.